Wednesday, January 11, 2012



1 Samuel 31-2 Samuel 2:7


Do you try to play God?
"Of course not" , you reply, "I know my place,
And besides, what little I know of God shows me
I'm not up to His job."
But take a minute and think again. Do you look
at another person, perhaps a person in your family,
and try to manipulate that person into the shape
he or she should become?
Do you set a goal for yourself even one that you
believe is God's will and go towards that goal with
full force and purpose closing your eyes to
people who might brush you aside in your wake?
Do you view someone else actions through
your very narrow eyes and say, " I know that;s sin",
and then purposely avoid that person?

You see I have come to believe that there is a
very fine line between using the abilities that God
has given us to bring structure in our lives and
rushing ahead trying to do what only God should
do. I have come to learn in my life that it is hard
enough to learn to be myself let alone trying to
play God.


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