Wednesday, February 08, 2012



"He taught them with authority" (Mark 1:22).


A number of years ago The editors of
"Life Magazine" compiled an inspiring collection
of essays in answer to their question, "What
is the meaning of life?" From more than 25
countries, 200 poets, scientists, philosophers
and just "everyday people" shared their vision
of the meaning of life. The following essays
are just a small sampling from this life-enriching
collection. The first is from Capetown South
Africa's Archbishop Desmond Tutu who wrote,
in part:

The evolution of the world is a great manifestation
of God. As scientists understand more and more
about the interdependence not only of living things
but of rocks, rivers - the whole of the universe -
I am left in awe that I, too, am a part of this
tremendous miracle. Not only am I a part of this
pulsating network, but I am an indispensable part.
It is not only theology that teaches me this, but
it is the truth that environmentalists shout from
the rooftops. Every living creature is an essential
part of the whole. Our surroundings are awesome.
We see about us majestic mountains, the
perfection of a tiny mouse, a newborn baby, a
flower, the colors of a seashell. Each creature is
most fully that which it is created to be, an almost
incredible reflection of the Infinite, the invisible, the
indefinable. All women and men participate in that
reflected glory. We believe that we are in fact the
image of our Creator. Our response must be to live
up to that amazing potential - to give God glory by
reflecting His beauty and His love. That is why we
are here and that is the purpose of our lives.

The next essay was written by renowned
Grammy-winning composer and recording artist
Quincy Jones, a portion of which I will read:

In 1974 I was blessed to have survived a brain
aneurysm and two brain operations. It is unfortunate,
but sometimes it takes a life-threatening crisis
such as this to get your undivided attention, and this
certainly did. I was given the opportunity to renew my
basic belief in the importance of spirituality, reopening
communications on a one-to-one basis with the
Creator. God has given each one of us approximately
25,000 to 26,000 days on this earth. I truly believe
He has something very specific in mind: 8300 days
to sleep, 8,300 to work and 8,300 to give, live, play,
pray and love one another. We were born to struggle,
to face the challenges of our lifetime and, ultimately,
to evolve to a higher consciousness. When we find
we can unyieldingly bestow our trust to that inner
voice, it is evidence of our divine guidance. The
universal karmic law dictates: "You get what you
give" and "You've got to bring some to get some.
" I would like to believe that the highest state of
evolution in our lifetime is to reach a state where
grace and giving reign and we experience the
oneness of ourselves with the creations of this
universe. We must search for the good in each
of God's creations; it is important to invest our
faith in the best part of humanity.


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