Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright,
designed some unusual buildings. On a
university campus in Florida stands a library
designed by Wright with an extremely low
ceiling, so low that if you are six feet tall and
not careful, you keep bumping your head. A
man who was having this trouble asked why
Frank Lloyd Wright had designed such a
building. "This was a characteristic of his
architecture because he hated tall people,"
A teacher explained.


How typical this is.
You try to cut the other fellow down to your
size. You make him fit into your mold.
Husbands and wives, parents and children
and friends, remaking each other. This is
the kind of love we express by taking the
other and using him and carving him and
shaping him into what we think he ought to
be. But this is not the kind of love which the
New Testament calls agape love: The
unconditional love that is for the other, the
love that affirms the life of the other, the
love that rejoices in the difference in the other.


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