"Everybody is looking for you" Mark 1:37
There's the amusing story about a convicted criminal --
a rough-looking character nicknamed "Brutus," who
was about to be paroled after serving a lengthy
sentence. Before walking through the prison gates
to his long-awaited freedom, he was paid a visit by
the prison chaplain. "You have paid your debt to
society," the chaplain said, "so I encourage you
to hold your head up high when you walk out of
here. Live a good life and, by all means, join the
nearest Church as soon as possible."
It so happened that Brutus found an apartment
on the edge of the poorest section of town, yet
close to the richest section. It so happened also
that the nearest Church was located on the edge
of the rich area. Old Brutus lost no time going to
see the pastor of that Church and telling him of
his desire to become a member. "My good man,"
said the pastor, "I don't think you would be happy
here, although I appreciate your good intentions.
Really, I think you would be most uncomfortable
among my people and I'm afraid it would be quite
embarrassing to you. I suggest you think it over,
and pray that God will give you some direction."
Several days later, when Brutus happened to see
the pastor on the street, he stopped and said to him,
"Reverend, I took your advice and prayed to God for
direction. And God told me to stop trying to join your
Church. He said that He Himself had been trying to
get in there for years without success!"
(Sunday Sermons on Line)
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