Thursday, December 26, 2013


December 26


Read Numbers 9:15-23. TEXT: And we have seen His glory,
glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and
truth (see John 1:14).

How would you like to lift up your eyes any time of day or
night and look upon the glory of God? The Israelites who left
Egypt enjoyed that privilege for 40 years. The Lord revealed
His glory in the pillar that led them across the wilderness to
the Promised Land. By day it was a pillar of cloud, by night
a pillar of fire. After Israel settled into the Promised Land the
pillar disappeared. God was still present in their midst, but
their eyes could no longer perceive His glory.

On that first Christmas God's glory shone briefly around the
shepherds in the fields outside Bethlehem. But when they
ran into the little town they saw nothing special, just an
ordinary-looking baby who was "wrapped in swaddling cloths
and lying in a manger" (see Luke 2:12). No halo shone
around His head. The fullness of the deity was concealed
within the tabernacle of Jesus' infant body.

His glory as the Son of God would not be revealed until His
Baptism at age 30. Only then did He begin revealing His
divine glory through His words and His miracles,
demonstrating His power over disease, accidents, nature,
demons ... even death.

Today His glory is hidden in common, ordinary things like
the words of the Bible, the water of Baptism and the bread
and wine of Holy Communion. But we can rest assured that
since Jesus satisfied God's wrath at our sins through His
suffering and death, we will live with him forever, always
looking upon His dazzling glory.


Lord Jesus, because of all You accomplished in Your first
coming at Bethlehem, I will stand faultless when You come
again in glory. Keep me in this faith so I will always be
ready for that great day. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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