Tuesday, December 24, 2013


(Day 24 of Advent)


Read Luke 1:26-38. Text: And the Word became flesh
(see John 1:14).

Go to your nearest manger scene and carefully study
Baby Jesus. Does He have a halo around His head?
Artists often include a halo to remind us this isn't just
any human baby. This is the eternal Son of God who
became one of us.

Up until this 14th verse John has been describing the
Child of Christmas, according to His divine nature as
the Son of God. He is the mighty Word of God, the
eternal Son. Everything in heaven and earth was
created through Him. He is the Light of men. Now,
as John reaches the pivotal moment in all human
history, he tells us, "The Word became flesh." In that
great, unfathomable mystery, Jesus takes our human
nature into His divinity: He is conceived by the power
of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary.

That is the mystery of Christmas-the majesty of God's
gracious plan. To save us from our sin, God's Son
became human just like us. As a human He could
place Himself under God's Law and earn our place in
heaven by His perfect life. As a human He could take
our place under God's wrath, suffering and dying for
our sins and disobedience. Being God His shed blood
was able to pay for the sins of the whole world. Being
God He could-and did-defeat Satan, sin and hell for all
of us.

From the manger to the cross and empty tomb He
experienced life's highs and lows: cold and heat, hunger
and thirst, a mother's embrace, the companionship of
friends, the ridicule and persecution of enemies, the
agony of death on a cross ... and the satisfaction of
rising to life again on the third day.


Lord Jesus, thank You for Your incredible humility in
stooping down to become human. This You did so that
we might be adopted as sons and daughters of Your
Heavenly Father. Amen.

(Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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