(Day 22 4th Sunday of Advent)
Read John 5:32-47. He came to His own, and His own
people did not receive Him (John 1:11).
The manger scene is a much-loved symbol of Christmas.
But have you ever stood out by a manger scene on a
cold December night? It's not as comfortable as it
appears from inside a nice, warm car or house. It's cold
and drafty, and it's certainly no place to lay a newborn
baby. So why did Joseph choose such a place?
When it came time for Mary to give birth, Joseph
frantically searched the little town of Bethlehem for shelter,
but he found none. There was no room in the inn, no
homeowner willing to open his guest chambers. He had no
choice but to accept an animal shelter and lay Mary's Son
in that lowly feeding trough.
When Jesus grew up and began His public ministry, we
might expect His chosen nation the Jews to receive Him.
Some did, but most did not. The Jewish authorities rejected
Him, turned Him over to the Gentiles, and called for the
brutal and humiliating punishment of crucifixion. They even
stood by, jeering at Him as He hung from the cross.
Before we come down too hard on them, however, we should
look at ourselves. How often do we refuse to receive Him as
our King? How often do we pick and choose which of His
teachings we will accept and which we will reject? How often
do we demand to live life on our own terms and not on His?
Heavenly Father, it was shameful of Your people to reject
Your Son, but I must admit I have often done the same.
Forgive me and give me a true gratitude and loyalty to the
King who suffered and died on the cross to save me from my
sins. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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