Read Luke 1:34-37. TEXT: And Mary said to the angel,
"How will this be, since I am a virgin?" (Luke 1:34).
Advent When Zechariah received the amazing message
from the angel, he doubted. At first glance, Mary's
response seems to show the same unbelief. But look
closer. She says "How will this be?" In other words,
"How is this going to take place?" She doesn't doubt God
is able to do whatever He wants; she is simply asking
how she will conceive. After all, she is an unmarried virgin.
There can be a fine line between outright unbelief and
honest questions prompted by faith. Zechariah didn't
believe God could do it. Mary trusted He could, but she
simply wanted to know if she should do anything,
perhaps go ahead and marry Joseph early.
We run into similar situations in our lives. There are times
when our resources of time, money, talent or strength
seem far too meager to accomplish the things God has
set before us. Doubt and unbelief make us think God will
fail to accomplish those things in and through us. Faith,
however, believes, and eagerly watches to see how God
will make it all work out.
The angel explains that the Holy Spirit will come and
miraculously work the conception inside her--without a
human father.
That is why the Child will be holy, and called the Son of
God. Then, to give her further reassurance, the angel points
to her relative Elizabeth, who is now in the sixth month of
her impossible pregnancy. He asserts, "For nothing will be
impossible with God."
That's true for you and me as well. Nothing God wants to
do for us will prove too difficult. Nothing is beyond God's
ability to act, to save, to deliver us.
Heavenly Father, thank You for all Your promises,
especially that in Jesus Christ, Your Son, You have saved
us from all our sins. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
( Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)
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