Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Read Psalm 65. TEXT: "Behold, I am the servant of the
Lord; let it be to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).

Advent   When Mary awoke this morning, she undoubtedly
expected things to go as they always had. Her betrothal
to Joseph would continue; her wedding day would be a day
closer. Things would be as they were yesterday, and
tomorrow will bring more of the same.

She didn't awake thinking an angel would suddenly appear
and that God's plans would shake up her life drastically.
Yet for all that, in simple faith, she willingly casts aside
her plans, eager to serve God's good pleasure.

Sometimes life seems like it's going according to schedule,
cruising along the way we expect. We may have a precise
timeline with all our steps carefully laid out, but suddenly
things change. Health problems arise, jobs are lost, and
friends disappear. It can be frustrating, frightening or
exhilarating. For Mary, this news is life-changing. But the
Holy Spirit has given her faith and confidence to accept
God's changes. He gives us that same trust to believe
that whatever God is doing, He is still working to make
all these things turn for our benefit.

That is precisely what God promises you and me. In
Romans 8:28a He assures us, "We know that for those
who love God all things work together for good ...."

This Christmas is a reminder that God doesn't stand back
and let things go by themselves. We aren't victims of
chance and circumstance; rather, God is carefully
arranging everything for good. This is just as He arranged
everything to send His Son into this world by the
Virgin Mary.


 Heavenly Father, forgive me for questioning and
doubting the wisdom of Your will. Still my heart when
change comes, and give me humble, quiet faith so that I
may serve You in awe and watch Your mighty deliverance.
Through Jesus Christ, Your Son, I pray. Amen.

( Wayne Palmer Lutheran Hour Ministries)


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